Thursday, 21 April 2011

Setting Yourself Free Through Ancient Initiation

I recently resigned from my full time job as a home care nurse with one of the largest community agencies in Toronto.  When I told my other nursing colleagues of this, I was met with a mixed response of "good for you!" and "oh my God! Why did you do that?"

To be quite honest, the reason why I did this was simple.  I am worth so much more than what my employer said I was worth.  I felt like a modern day slave, and I had to set myself free.  I know that there are many people who can relate to this.

I think what saddened me the most yesterday was when I heard my older co-workers make comments like "well you're young, you still have time to pursue your other gifts and talents, but for us older ones it's too late."  This is NOT TRUE!! It is NEVER too late to live your dreams and passions now!! We were all given unique gifts, and when we don't share them the tapestry of life is less vibrant. 

You see, when we allow others to put a cap on who we are, to determine our worth we forget who we truly are.  We forget that we are NOT our name, or our job, or the various titles like mom, dad, sister, brother, friend... So then I ask you, WHO ARE YOU? or better still WHAT ARE YOU?   Do you believe that you are more than just human.

The miracle of this physical life is mesmerizing, yet we forget that we are spirit embodied in this physical body.  As spirit we have limitless potential, and therefore when we realize this we need to awaken this potential now.

Many of us want to inspire the world and the people around us, but if we ourselves are not willing to live as free spirits, then we cannot lead the way.

The most powerful way to set ourselves free is through the Life Activation and Empower Thyself Class which ends in initiation.  At the end of this class the student is initiated as an Adept Initiate and is given 10 time the empowerment to take their life to a whole new level. 

"The Modern Mystery School has initiate classes that are designed to specifically address these issues [of the soul]. Our teachings come from an ancient lineage, but directly address the contemporary issues that people are struggling with in their daily lives. Our classes allow people to make quantum leaps in what they view as being possible in their lives. They help to create dramatically higher levels of satisfaction and a deep sense of purpose in people's lives." -Gudni Gudnason Grand Master Teacher in the Modern Mystery School

Whether you're a student, parent or CEO this class opens you up to the deeper mysteries of life, human nature, and begins to give you the tools to work with and understand how energy flows.  This class address all facets of human existence, and  teaches you how to create and strengthen all areas of your life.

This class is taught by a certified guide in the Modern Mystery School and is taught over two days.  The cost of this class is $650.

Some of the most brilliant people who walked this earth had this initiation, and it's no wonder they are still remembered to this day for their amazing contributions.  People such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Issac Newton, Carlos Santana, Stephen Hawkings, Joan of Arc, Aristotle, William Shakespeare, Nicola Tesla, Carl Jung and so many more!

For more information please contact me at: or visit our website at:

If you don't live in the Greater Toronto Area, I'll connect you the a guide in your area, or country that can help you!

Peace be with you,


Awakening your deepest potential, through the Life Activation!

Have you ever asked yourself why you are here, and what your supposed to be doing with your life?

If you have, rest assured that you are not alone! Many people have, and many people are waking up with this inner yearning to truly understand their life's purpose.  If you feel lost or confused, this is a good thing because it means that you are ready! You are ready to stop resisting what you are meant to do, and live your life more fully!

Do you know what your life's purpose is? If you don't, you're about to find out, and it's kinda a big deal!

You see, many of us feel and know in our hearts that we have tremendous purpose in this life.  But often times our negative egos shut us down and keep us playing in the little league.  But if you could truly see who you are, you'd never play small again.  You'd live each moment as if it were your last- making every second count!

When we feel depressed, hopeless, or sad it is because we are not living in joy! We are not living in this present moment, where if we did- if we were fully present in THIS moment, there would be no fear, no sadness, no hopelessness.  There would only be potential. The potential to create all things! How amazing is that?

One of the tools that is now available to all being on this planet to help you discover your life's purpose is a Life Activation.

For thousands of years the ancient mystery schools (also know as the university of the soul) has used this tool to help open a person up to their life purpose.  This activation heightens your intuition, clears out negative thought patterns, improves memory and brain function and so much more.

The energy exchange for this session is $150- well worth the investment! This session comes with a full energy balance, a mini reading, the activation and a high vibrational tincture.  There are many certified life activation practitioners from around the world, so if you don't live in the the Greater Toronto Area but you would like to find a practitioner send me an email and I'll connect you to the right person!  I also strongly advise you to check out the website for more information at:

I know for me, the Life Activation changed my life, and after I had this done, I notice that I started to make decisions from a place of empowerment and deeper understanding!