
Each month the Astrology section will feature blog postings from Aleksandra Ceho (Aleks), that will talk to the astrological influences that will be happening that month! Aleks has been studying astrology for over 20 years, and teaches classes on Esoteric Astrology.  She also does a rockin' birth chart as well!! She is a teacher and Guide with the Modern Mystery school and an accomplished martial artist! We are thrilled to have Aleks' work featured on this blog!!  If you have inquiries about astrology classes or having a birth chart done by Aleks, you can contact her at:
Happy reading everyone!! 

Ai-Linn :) 

May Astrological Forecast
May is the month of spring, it is a time when we start to see growth in nature and we start to look forward to being in the light after having spent so much time in darkness during the winter. Just as we will see nature spring up so too will we see ourselves grow and blossom this May. It won't be all fun and games, Pluto (the planet of transformation and conflict) is particularly active this month and you may find yourself expressing opinions or emotions that are not typically a part of your expression.
Pluto has been sitting in a formation called a T-square with Uranus and Saturn for a few months now and has been challenging us to not only think "outside the box" but to disregard the box in which we construct our lives.  If you have been finding that you've been yearning for change in the past while but are just unable to place your finger on the change you want, you can be certain that this is an energy that you've been working with. Saturn is about structure and can be cold, rigid and unyielding at times.  Uranus is those energies which Saturn cannot contain and when they sit in opposition to each other in the sky (as they are now), the demand and urge to break free of oppression becomes unbearable especially with Pluto kicking in that energy of transformation.  The riots in the Middle East are a perfect example of this energy at work on a more grand scale.
The key to handling this energy is to ask yourself "What do I want?" and "How will I achieve that end?".  Saturn and Uranus will provide you with the practical and the creative outlets to achieve, but you MUST be clear on what it is that you want this month.
This is the part I hate to tell you about this month, it may be a little hard to know what it is that you actually want.  Pluto is also the planet of the subconscious, and towards the middle of the month you may find yourself needing a shoulder to cry on or someone to confide in as your emotions become emphasized during this part of the month.  This isn't a bad thing at all!  Get those feelings off your chest, but don't resort to bad mouthing or gossiping about other people. Since Saturn is so active for the next while, I wouldn't want to be incurring any bad karma! If you limit your conversations to your feelings without making judgment on other people, you'll be fine! This is also generally a good practice as a rule of thumb!
The other aspect fuelling this mid-month emotional roller coaster is that fact that the full moon also happens on the 18th.  It's activity starts 3 days before the full moon and lasts 3 days after, so mid to late May will be a purifying process of sorts! The full moon also brings us one other T-square and this one brings Neptune into play. Neptune is the planet of visions, creativity and illusion.  May will help us to work with the illusions we have in our lives that bring us pain.  Every time you feel that something hurts your feelings this month, step back and ask yourself if you have perceived the situation correctly. If you are uncertain, it is fine to ask another.  A great deal of pain arises out of our inability to communicate properly and our misperceptions.  Take time this month to see where your perception causes you unnecessary pain and suffering. You would be surprised to see just how often someone else would perceive a situation differently than you do.
Lastly, have fun this month!  Mercury, Venus and Mars are hanging out together this month in Aries at the first half of the month and Taurus in the second half of the month. Take time to socialize or to check in on people you haven't connected with in a while.  May 21st marks the arrival of the season of Gemini and brings a fresh burst of air and joy to the month. The emotional aspect of your life may be a little confusing this month, but don't let it stop you from experiencing joy! The more you can keep your spirits up this month, the easier this month of emotional healing will go for you!
And if May is absolutely unbearable for you, don't worry...June is the month of love! (Wink! Wink! Nudge! Nudge!)
May you find yourselves surrounded by Joy and Happiness!