Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Your own best you!

Waking up this morning, I was filled with so much inspiration! The dark of night was transforming into the warm glow of a fiery sunrise. I could hear the sizzle of breakfast being made, and of course, my not so small dog curled up next to me.

As I sleepily opened my eyes, I couldn't help but be thankful for my amazing life.  After all I have so much to look forward to in this new day.  A new day to create my world... a new day for transformation.

By 8:45am, I had already showered, walked and fed the dog, done my rituals, prayers and meditation.  I was on fire! Then I got onto the computer and got got sucked into YouTube.  Uh on.. Trouble.

With my wedding just 5 short months away, and much planning and action to put into place, I really didn't have time for distractions... but against my better judgment I allowed myself to get sucked in! I started to watch some music videos.. you know for some musical inspiration but as I watched, I noticed that I stopped hearing the words of the music and my mind started to wonder into a negative pattern of thinking.  It began a little something like this:

"Wow, I like her look.  I wonder if that would look good on me.  Maybe if I curled my hair I would look more like her.  But then I would also need to wear the fake eyelashes too... oh and I like what she's wearing... I wonder if they have that in Canada... But her legs are slim, and she has a flat tummy so that's why she looks so good..."

Then I had to stop myself.  Why was I comparing myself to other women? Was it because we are conditioned to do so?

Stacey London, from TLC's what not to wear often says this on the show.  That you don't need to have anyone else style, it's about finding your own style! Its about looking into the mirror and really looking at yourself.  Do it naked if you can! And really look at yourself.  Look at your body and with an open mind just love what you see.   

I believe that when we look at our self and we say things like "ugh, I wish my butt was smaller, or my boobs were bigger" we only have those thoughts because we are comparing our self to others, when really, there is no competition.  That is the illusion that we have all bought into! And you know, wouldn't the world be such a different place if we didn't see others as the competition, but each person beautiful in their our own right?

As women, we need to re-define what it means to be a goddess.  Goddess is not synonymous with looking "perfect", or being slim, or having perfect legs, or long hair.  Its not about being a bitch, or putting others down, or about the kind of attention we get because of the way we look.  Being a goddess is about the way you live your life, moment to moment.  It is about embracing who you are, and loving yourself, no matter what you look like, because there is true beauty in all of us! It is about treating yourself well, and doing things that bring joy and passion into your life! 

When we begin to live from this place, when we can embrace who we truly are, only then can we embrace others for who they are... and in doing so, we TRANSFORM into the goddess, and you know what will happen in return? If women transform in Goddesses, then men will transform into Gods!

Now imagine living in a world where men and women walk the earth as realized Gods and Goddesses! How amazing would that be?

I'm 5'2, 155lbs, and a size 6-10.  When I compare myself to today's images of beauty, I fall short, but when I stop comparing myself to anyone, and just allow my self expression to shine, I'm beautiful.

So today, living as a Goddess, I'm going to take my hot yoga class this afternoon and practice in a sports bra and shorts, and look at myself in the mirror and love what I see.  I'm going to appreciate this physical body, no matter what it looks like, for I realize that it is a gift to me.  It is the vehicle that allows me to experience this physical life, to move in grace, and to share love, joy and passion.

This is just one way that I choose to put my best foot forward!

Peace be with you,


Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Light in a time of Darkness

I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that" 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
 In recent light of what is happening around the world, especially with the news of Osama Bin Laden's death, I found this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr particularly fitting.  It was interesting to watch the reaction of people to the news of his death, some indifferent, some diplomatic, and others joyous.  
 For me, when I watched people cheering, and posting groups on facebook that celebrated his death, it saddened me, because his death, even with the kind of life that he lived, with the things that he did, was still the death of a human life.  I feel that for some strange reason, we have come to believe that we are all seperate.  That family mainly denotes either a close relationship or blood ties, but the truth is, we are all connected.  Therefore we are all family.  There are no strangers.
 Yes Bin Laden did things that hurt others, but haven't we all? It may not be on the same scale, but who are we to judge? If we are to judge, we can only judge our own actions and how we choose to behave in any given moment.  As we all are responsible for what is happening on this planet. 
 I believe that Martin Luther King, Jr had a point when he said that we can only fight the darkness with light.  That hatred and anger will only breed more hatred and anger.  And that love and forgiveness, kindness and understanding are the way of the future... unless we want to continue to live in a world filled with war, starvation and indifference.  Yet at the same time I have hope.  I have hope because I realize that I am the key to creating a better world.  And you know what? So are you. 
Sometimes we may feel that in order for things to change, our world has to first change. But it is exactly the opposite.  In order for the world to change, we ourselves must first be willing to change.  
Peace be with you,